11-Layers > New Raster layer
12- Layers > Arrange> Send to
13- Preencha com o gradiente
conforme printe
15- Plugin > Distortion > Whril =
16- Effects > Edge Effect > Enhance
More = 2 vezes
17-Layers > New Raster layer
18- Preencha com o gradiente
conforme printe
19- Effects > Plugin Penta > Dot
and Cross conforme print
20- Com a ferramenta Pick Toll leve
a esquerda conforme printe
21- Edit > Copy
22- Edit > Paste as New Layer
23- Image > Free Rotate conforme
24- Com o Pick Toll colocar
conforme printe
25- Abrir seu tube
26- Edit > Copy
27- Edit > Paste as New Layer
28- Layers > Arrange > Bring to top
29- Com o Pick Toll colocar a
gosto, na meu tube dei resize 90%
29- Layers > Layer Merge> Merge
30- Aplicar mask masql4 anexa
31- Deletar mask
32- Aplicar novamente os itens 8 -
9 - 10 - 11